Classroom Evolution Explained

Your child's classroom will look very different from yours. Here's how

You remember your school, don’t you? The vast expanse of open grounds that you ran on, without a care in the world. Those sparse clusters of trees under which you gathered to have lunch with your schoolmates. And the classrooms, in particular, with their near-ancient benches and a coarse yet dependable blackboard that your teachers relentlessly wrote on, day after day. That board was your window to just about everything, from the complex concepts of mathematics to the wars fought centuries earlier. That was your classroom before technology integration in education became a reality.

Your child’s classroom, however, is already radically different. A sleek whiteboard has replaced the blackboards, the desks and benches are crisper, and there’s a projector that gives your child lifelike insights into myriad academic concepts. In fact, there are certain cases where advanced gadgets like the digital blackboard for teaching are being employed as well. With technology integration in education evolving continuously, the classrooms of the future will be even more different than they are now. Here’s how.

Adaptable classroom designs

Conventional classroom designs with the teachers at the front of the room and an array of chairs facing them will likely not make it into the future. While this structure was great for lecture-based learning, it’s not quite conducive to interactive or collaborative education. This is why the future of classrooms could include other profoundly different elements like standing desks, collaborative learning spaces for group activities, and classroom arrangements that allow for a greater degree of mobility. In fact, certain spheres of these infrastructures may see the use of AI in education in the near future as well.

There could also be areas for private study and shifting seating patterns. The goal of these features is to ultimately make the learning space more adaptable, so students can learn ideas and concepts without being limited by the restrictions of a rigid classroom design, something that we have already witnessed technology integration in education do quite effectively.

Virtual reality to facilitate learning

The use of Virtual reality (VR) in classrooms of the future is certainly on the cards. In many educational institutions across the world, VR has already been integrated into the system. For instance, many schools are investing in virtual science laboratories that act as safe environments for students and teachers to perform experiments without any dangerous results, and this takes the idea of a digital blackboard for teaching to the next level.

In the coming years, when the full potential of VR is leveraged, students can even attend symposiums and conferences in different parts of the world without leaving the comfort of their classrooms. Classroom technology that employs Virtual Reality can be particularly effective at improving recall capacity and learning ability since it provides students with an opportunity to engage in experiential activities.

Customizable classroom assignments

When you were in school, homework assignments most likely included a specific set of problems or questions that all the students in your grade were required to complete before the next day. Your children, on the other hand, may receive different kinds of classroom assignments altogether. Classroom curriculums and projects in the future may evolve to adapt to each student’s individual style of learning.

When customization makes its way into this part of learning, students will have the freedom to opt for the method of assignment delivery that they’re most comfortable with, no matter if it’s a video, an essay, a presentation, or perhaps even a podcast.

Interactive boards

Overhead projectors certainly played a vital role in elevating the level of collaboration and involvement in the average classroom environment. The future of classrooms could easily see these projectors being replaced by interactive boards or smart boards. By employing smart technology and AI in education, smart boards allow students to learn complex concepts in an interactive manner. In fact, these boards are constantly pushing the boundaries of the digital blackboard for teaching as well.

Some schools have already invested in these interactive boards to elevate the quality of education and improve classroom infrastructure. Students can use these boards to move content around with their fingers, much like how a smartphone works. In addition to this, interactive boards can support media formats like photos, videos, graphs, and even games.

Cloud computing assistance

Classrooms of the future will not only change with regard to how education is imparted, but will also see transformations in how the administrative work is carried out. Grading, preparing notes, and communicating with students are also set to see a makeover. Cloud computing plays a major role in this area.

By integrating this advanced know-how into classroom technology, students and teachers can access important files, resources, and assignments from anywhere, at any point in time. All that’s needed is a good internet connection. Cloud computing assistance can help teachers send assignments to students over the net. It’s also a more practical technique to store lesson plans and research information, thereby making work easier for students and teachers.

Advanced classroom technology

In addition to the above revolutions, classroom technology is also poised to evolve by leaps and bounds. By integrating AI in education, it will be possible for teachers to collect student-oriented data points and apply relevant algorithms thereon to develop customized learning programs for each child. Application-based learning is also set to be a key element in the classrooms of the future.

And then, there is Augmented Reality (AR), which can make learning more engaging for children, owing to many stimulating sensory inputs that facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of academic concepts. With AR, it’s possible for students to access true-to-life representations of constellations, historical sites, galaxies, sites of geographic significance, and so much more.


This is only a sneak peek into how the future of classrooms is likely to be transformed as your child graduates from one grade to the next. Understanding technology integration in education can help you connect with your children and track their progress more easily. It can also ensure that you remain a part of your child’s academic and educational journey through the defining years of their primary education.

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Mangesh Sawant

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